
Mitali worked in big multi national companies in India at senior position for over some 15 years. Intuition and healing came naturally to her. Slowly it became her passion. She has been initiated by teachers in India and abroad. For last 12 years she has been initiating people in reiki all over India and the world at large.

Mitali's goal is to not only help people with their day to day problems, but also to help each individual, she comes across, raise their spiritual awareness and empower them with knowledge to create their own future.

Based in Kolkata, she is well known in the city for her Tarot Readings and other services offered in Reiki Healing, Angel Healing and Oracle Reading.

Mitali has an empathetic persona, who loves to connect to people at a deeper soul level. She is more spiritual than religious in nature.

Mitali has always been fascinated and drawn to the mystical, esoteric/occult, hidden aspects of the universe, forever exploring the mystifying paths. Her quest for deeper insight continues through...

Simply putting it in words, Mitali's purpose is to tap the cosmic energy around you to help you see your future, understand your present and make sense of your past. Happenings in your life today can be the catalysts or obstacles tomorrow. And anamnesis alone is responsible for the proclivities of today.